The impower healing clinic offers holistic counseling with optional natural medicine support in McMinnville, Oregon.

Holistic Counseling

The main difference between holistic counseling and what most people have experienced as counseling, is that a holistic approach tries to get to the root of imbalances rather than solely trying to pathologize, manage or medicate them. With a holistic approach, we understand that symptoms show up for a reason -- and often they are the messenger for deeper parts of ourselves that want to heal. Rather than saying they are bad or wrong, we try to listen to those parts and address the root of mental health issues, so that we can related to them in a new way. Holistic counseling is also about seeing mental health as a WHOLE multifaceted system that includes the body, emotions, beliefs, and connection to our inner values and wisdom -- all within the context of the world and our social relationships.

If you have gone to talk therapy for years and have reached a wall or if you understand exactly what you need to do but nothing seems to change, a holistic mind-body approach might be just the thing that you are looking for. Learn more about Tabitha's approach by clicking below:

Adjunctive Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

Over its thousands-year-old history, Chinese medicine has never separated mind and body - meaning that this system innately understands that mind affects the body and the body effect the mind. Acupuncture and other forms of natural medicine are available post session to integrate the themes that come up during therapy and to support the resetting of patterns stuck in the body-mind.

Groups & Programs

Groups and programs are a great way to get peer support and get treatment at a lower cost. TBA.


Impower U Courses

Impower Healing also has a separate educational and branch focusing on courses for self-healing and qigong (meditation in motion) as well as learning via social media. If you are interested in being on the list for future classes, please contact and ask to be notified about future offerings.

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