If you have a medical  emergency, please dial 911.
If you have a mental health emergency, please dial 988.

Phone: (747) 334-2030

For non-sensitive information, you may contact me via the form below:

Please fill out the contact form below for any inquiries. It's just me, so please allow up to two business days for me to get back to you. If you have a more urgent or time-sensitive message, please use the voicemail above and mention that it is "time critical" or "urgent."

REMEMBER: Email is not secure or HIPAA compliant. NEVER SEND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION VIA EMAIL. Instead, use this form to request a time to discuss your concerns or send a voicemail. You can also text me, but it won’t be confidential untiI I send you an invitation. If you do text (confidential or not), please understand your rights by clicking here for a full SMS privacy disclosure.

1945 NE Baker St. McMinnville, Oregon 97128

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