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Do any of the following feel familiar?

  • You are always there to help others — but sometimes it is difficult to receive yourself?
  • You go out of your way to give your best work — yet still feel underappreciated?
  • When you get a little bit of rest, energy or money do you tend to spend or give it away quickly?
  • Do you have a hard time saying, “no” to family, colleagues, work, friends or projects?
  • Have you started to feel resentful when you are giving because you are constantly running on empty?
  • Do you seem to never have the time for self-care and rest – even though you know your physical or mental health is on the line?
  • Or maybe you want to give more to others but find that you are just too depleted or ill to do so?

Feeling Exhausted or Burned Out?

If you have been a “doer” and a “giver” your entire life, being laid flat by chronic pain, illness, or mood-imbalances can be especially painful.

Perhaps you have been stuck in chronic patterns that you know you need to change, but never seem to shift.  Even when you understand the problem clearly,  unconscious elements seem to sabotage all your noble efforts.

Mind-body work combining Acupuncture, Bodywork and Coaching are an ideal combination that helps you not only reset, but upgrade your mind-body into a new sense of self-esteem, self-care, and self-fulfillment so that you can serve others from a sustainable place for years to come.

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Empty Fuel Gauge

Running on Empty?

Intuitively we know that we can’t give someone a drink from an empty cup.  

In the same way, giving is only giving when you HAVE something to give — otherwise we can easily cross over into health debt. 

Signs of Health Debt

Health debt happens when you are giving more than you are receiving — when feelings of stress and overwhelm are starting to make withdrawals from your body reserves.  It is also known as “compassion fatigue.”

How do  you recognize health debt?  In the early stages you may feel fatigued, dispirited, overwhelmed, or resentful.  In the later stages, your body may break down completely with chronic pain, health, or mental-health issues that don’t seem to go away no matter what you do. 

This is where most people make a key error of waging war on symptoms when they are just messengers for a much deeper problem.  Illness itself can sometimes be a calling card for the soul.  While we of course, want to get rid of discomfort and pain, for many people relief won’t be long-lasting until we learn to listen and integrate the deeper messages these experiences have for our lives.

Bottom line, it is hard to make traction on your health when you have a negative balance on your health bank-account.  So part of the journey to ask your body, “Where are you losing energy?” and then “How can I reset and replenish myself?”  A mind-body approach using Acupuncture, Bodywork, & Coaching is a great start!

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Impower Healing can help you come back to yourself, reset your body and mind, and fill up your energy reserves — so that you can feel your best while giving your best.

For all the heart-centered people who serve others...thank-you!

Your work is so important!  So whether you are a healthcare worker, teacher, barista, customer service worker, caregiver, leader, healer, social worker, home health care provider, parent, guardian or anyone who cares about others and is doing their best to lift others during these trying times, your efforts make the world a better place!


As someone who has been in the helping/service industry my entire life, I know this can be rewarding, but tough work — particularly at this time of global pandemic.  And while some people thrive in high demand situations (as long as they have good boundaries and can take time to recover),  even the most generous-hearted person only has so much to give — and those warm, fuzzy feelings can often turn to burnout when what we are giving is disproportionate to what we are receiving.


Are you a person who has been working so hard, you’ve forgotten about your own self-care and just need a little break to recoup? 

Or if you are really honest, has caregiving become such a habit that it is hard to slow down and it is affecting your health & wellbeing? And how can you tell the difference?

Tabitha Marsh


“I’ll never forget that moment when I had a new baby at home (along with an older child and a new marriage), was going to Oriental Medicine School full-time, working part-time, and still trying to get my hours to become a Licensed Professional Counselor all at once — and wondering why I was so tired!

In retrospect, it is laughable — but overdoing and overgiving can creep up insidiously and catch us even when we know better! 

What I have learned is that we can work and give HARD when it counts, but we have to understand that we are borrowing from our future self if we don’t take the time to REST, RECUPERATE, and GIVE BACK to ourselves on a regular basis.  It is more than just knowing it.  Real change happens with EMBODYING it.”

At What Point Does Caregiving Start to Become Burn-Out & Health-Debt?

Is it time for a little self-care or a major shift in how we relate to giving?

First of all, thank-you front-line service workers and caregivers!

Whether you are a healthcare worker, teacher, barista or customer service worker, leader, social worker, home health care provider, parent, guardian or anyone who cares about others and is doing their best to serve others during these trying times, your efforts make the world a better place!

Some people thrive in high demand situations — as long as they have good boundaries and can take time to recover. However, even the most generous-hearted person only has so much to give — and those warm, fuzzy feelings can often turn to burnout when what we are giving is disproportionate to what we are receiving.

Are you a person who has been working so hard, you’ve forgotten about your own self-care and just need a little break to recoup? 

Or if you are really honest, has caregiving become such a habit that it is hard to slow down and it is affecting your health & wellbeing? And how can you tell the difference?


Health debt happens when you are giving more than you are receiving — when feelings of stress and overwhelm are starting to make withdrawals from your body reserves.  It is also known as “compassion fatigue.”

How do  you recognize health debt?  In the early stages you may feel fatigued, dispirited, overwhelmed, or resentful.  In the later stages, your body may break down completely with chronic pain, health, or mental-health issues that don’t seem to go away no matter what you do.  Nothing seems to help.

Bottom line, it is hard to make traction on your health when you have a negative balance on your health bank-account.  So part of the journey to ask your body, “Where are you losing energy?”

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Where are you losing energy in your life? 


Are you ready to break those patterns that have left you feeling tired, overwhelmed and stuck in your healing process? 

If so, be sure to get your FREE  consult to identify where you lose energy and start moving forward again.

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